Here is everything you need to know about the world environment day of 2021

World Environment Day 2021: World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June annually, with the purpose to spread awareness towards environmental protection. This year the theme of World Environment Day 2021 is ‘Ecosystem Restoration.’ Pakistan is the global host of the world environment day of 2021.
History of World Environment Day 2021
World Environment Day came into existence in 1972. On the first day of the Stockholm Conference, the United Nations Assembly discussed the Human Environment. In 1974, World Environment Day was celebrated, and its theme was “Only One Earth”.
Restoring ecosystem on World Environment Day
On this World Environment Day, the United Nations has declared the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), which is a global mission to rejuvenate billions of hectares from forest to farmlands, till the mountains and the sea depths.
It is unignorable that the pandemic we are dealing with is one of the consequences of destroying ecosystems. With the advent of Urbanizations, we humans have started exploiting the environment by reducing the natural habitat of flora and fauna. Due to this, the environment has become an ideal system for spreading pathogens like coronavirus.
Editor’s View
The only way for survival is to embrace the habit of maintaining a healthy ecosystem because it will improve livelihood and save biodiversity. Let us pledge on this World Environment Day to join our hands and make a beautiful world for every living being.
World Environment Day 2021 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What is an Ecosystem?
The ecosystem is the combination of multiple communities of both living and nonliving components, exchanging essentials for each other’s necessity and survival.
Read more about the Ecosystem:
All Ecology Definitions Compiled at One Place (With Examples)
Q2. What is an Ecosystem Restoration?
The Ecosystem Restoration is aiding the recovery of ecosystems that have been destroyed or deteriorated and joining hands in conservation. It can also be related to preventing, reversing damage, and giving nature the time to heal.
Q3. How can we restore the environment?
There must be a launch of restoration initiatives by the government and the individuals. Restoration can be possible by embracing renewable sources in our lifestyle, such as switching to renewable energy and eating a healthy vegan diet. Because as an individual, it becomes our responsibility to join hands together in restoring our nature.
Q4. When is World Environment Day celebrated?
The Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June annually.
Q5. What is the theme of World Environment Day 2021?
The theme of World Environment Day 2021 is ”Ecosystem Restoration”.
Q6. What was the theme of the first World Environment Day?
The theme of the first World Environment Day was “Only One Earth”.

The writer believes awareness is the solution for change. Her comprehension in the field of ecology and environmental studies is impactful. With her knowledge, she had written much content for academic websites and well-known publishing platforms. Here, at BleedGreen, she urges us to share her wisdom of words to bring cognizant in the society for our green resources.
A brief and informative article on ecosystem and environment which makes us realise the importance of conservation and restoring the nature. 🌿🍃
Keep going bleedgreen..!!👍🏻
Topic is about awareness of eco system of environment and informative article on eve of World environment day.. Good writing skill. Keep it up 🤠🤠