
Consequences of deforestation on environment and solution

Deforestation refers to the deliberate removal of trees and other forms of vegetation from forested regions, primarily for human activities such as agriculture, mining, and urban development. Deforestation is a major driver of climate change, a global concern with widespread implications.  The connection between deforestation and climate change is both apparent and imperative to tackle. Deforestation significantly impacts …

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vertical farming BleedGreen

The Potential of Vertical Farming for Food Sustainability

Vertical farming is cultivating crops indoors, specifically leafy greens and herbs, by arranging them in vertical layers instead of the conventional horizontal approach used in traditional agriculture.  To optimize crop yield, this novel food production method utilizes advanced technologies, including LED lighting, closed-loop water recycling, and precise climate control. The increasing global population necessitates the …

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plastic pollution ocean

The Ecological Impact of Marine Plastic Pollution and solutions

Understanding marine plastic pollution & its impact on ecosystem Marine plastic pollution has become a leading environmental concern, causing severe harm to marine life and ecosystems. Plastic pollution has become a significant worldwide environmental issue, with a particular focus on its impact on ocean ecosystems. Plastic is a highly prevalent and persistent pollutant that poses …

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The Role of Renewable Energy in A Post COVID World

The Role of Renewable Energy in A Post-COVID World

Understanding the Significance & Role of Renewable Energy in a Post-COVID World The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant disruptions to global societies and economies. In the aftermath of the crisis, it is imperative to analyze strategies for rebuilding that foster sustainability, resilience, and enduring prosperity. Renewable energy is an up-and-coming field with significant potential. …

The Role of Renewable Energy in A Post-COVID World Read More »

Sustainable food

Sustainable Food and Farming

Defining Sustainable Food and Farming A sustainable food system is one that supplies people with healthy food while also ensuring that the environment, economy, and social structures that surround food all remain unharmed. Sustainable food systems begin with the development of sustainable farming techniques, more sustainable food delivery networks, sustainable diets, and food waste reduction …

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climate change effects

Climate Change Effects on Our Ecosystem: Climate Change Is Real and It’s Here!

Effects of climate change essay that every student must go through! Activities like burning fossil fuels, coal, and oil, increase the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere. Cutting down forests and farming livestock increases the greenhouse effect and global warming. CO2 emissions have increased by 90%, with emissions from fossil fuel combustion, and industrial …

Climate Change Effects on Our Ecosystem: Climate Change Is Real and It’s Here! Read More »

sustainable transportation

Benefits of Sustainable Transportation (2024 Updated)

What is sustainable transportation? Defining sustainable transportation in great detail here! What is sustainable transportation? As the name suggests sustainable transportation is any mode of transportation that is “green” and has a low environmental effect. It’s also about balancing our present and future demands when it comes to sustainable transportation. Walking, cycling, public transportation, carpooling, …

Benefits of Sustainable Transportation (2024 Updated) Read More »

Sustainable Acquisition BleedGreen

Sustainable Acquisition And Green Consumerism

What is Sustainable Acquisition? Learn everything related to this topic here! What is sustainable acquisition? Within sustainable acquisition, we can refer to three things, green purchasing, green procurement, and green consumerism. When compared to competing products or services that fulfill the same function, Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) or Green Purchasing refers to the acquisition of …

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how climate change affects us

15 Ways How Climate Change Affects Us

Learn how climate change affects us here! The increase in activities like deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, and conversion of dense forests to commercial lands leave a deep impact on the atmosphere. As a result, huge shifts are seen in weather patterns and temperatures. This effect on the long-term weather patterns is called climatic change. …

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energy crisis

Why is India facing a coal shortage and energy crisis? – A comprehensive analysis

Why is India facing a coal shortage? Learn every angle of the story here! India is currently exposed to a critical energy crisis, and the sole reason is nothing but a deficit of coal to run its thermal power plants? Unfortunately, the condition of this South Asian county is becoming alarming with each passing day.  …

Why is India facing a coal shortage and energy crisis? – A comprehensive analysis Read More »


Ecovillages as a Sustainable Ecological Community: A Comprehensive Guide

What is an ecovillage? Learn everything about an ecovillage for a complete understanding of this topic What are Ecovillages? Ecovillages are compact, self-sufficient communities that derive their existence and the resources required from the natural environment. There are over 10,000 ecovillages worldwide, mostly in rural regions, where residents construct communities based on collaboration, self-sufficiency, renewable …

Ecovillages as a Sustainable Ecological Community: A Comprehensive Guide Read More »

India's Approach to Climate Change

Here is Why India’s Approach to Climate Change is Better than the Developed World

A comparative study of India’s national action plan on climate change with its western counterparts Soon after the IPCC published its sixth assessment report, climate change becomes the talk of the town everywhere. Critical examination and evaluation of relevant data on an existential threat like climate change is certainly the need of the hour, but …

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soil pollution facts bleedgreen

100 Soil Pollution Facts and Statistics Everybody Should Know (2022 Updated)

The problem of pollution is not confined to the sky only, the soil which is involved in the growth of fruits, vegetables, and plants, is also in the clutches of pollution. The need of the hour is to understand the existence of soil pollution. The surrounding ecosystem is also facing the threat with the occurrence of soil pollution.

sustainable construction

What Are Some Practical Sustainable Construction Practices in 2022?

Understanding various sustainable construction techniques for an effective implementation Construction is one of the most resource-intensive industries. Various parts of the construction process have negative environmental consequences. However, considering rising environmental concerns, it is critical to embrace environmentally friendly buildings. Sustainable construction is also known as Green Building. It refers to the application of sustainable …

What Are Some Practical Sustainable Construction Practices in 2022? Read More »

effects of pesticides


Have you ever tasted natural and organic food? The taste of naturality cannot be explained it can only be felt.

Today the production of crops has increased significantly, and the food is becoming increasingly soft. But where is that naturality in our food?

Have you ever thought, why are we actually missing the naturality in food?

It’s because of the extensive usage of insecticides and pesticides in crops. The increasing use of pesticides is a threat to the entire world.
The toxic effects of pesticides are clearly visible not only on the food we consume on a day-to-day basis but also on the environment as a whole.

Solar Energy

100 Interesting Facts about Solar Energy and Solar Panels

Learn how solar energy works through these 100 interesting facts With the advancements in science and technology, the demand for energy resources is also increasing. These sources of energy are used in various manufacturing, agriculture, telecommunication, transport, and other industries. These energy resources are required to carry out daily activities and live a hassle-free life. …

100 Interesting Facts about Solar Energy and Solar Panels Read More »

meat alternatives

5 best meat alternatives for Vegetarians

If you are planning to become a Vegan, then be assured, you are at the right place to explore some amazing meat alternatives that you have never heard of before.

terrace garden

How to Make Terrace Garden at Home: Learn from an Expert

Mr. Upadhya, the man who transformed his residence into an evergreen forest in the middle of Bangalore city and took on a mission to inspire others to plant one billion trees across the country. He feels anyone can build a terrace garden with a minimum effort.

Negative effects of Renewable Energy on environment

Negative Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy

negative effects of nuclear, biomass, solar, wind, geothermal, and hydropower energy. All our renewable energy resources have some impact on the Environment, and it becomes necessary to be aware of its consequences. Our responsibility is to combat climate change using clean energy.

renewable power

Developed VS Developing Countries: Decoding the Western Hypocrisy on Climate Change

Here is how developed countries have a higher obligation to combat climate change than developing countries “They have killed their mother earth and now willing to do the same to your planet “ Avatar (2009) Not many of you can recall this famous dialogue from the 2009 blockbuster Avatar. The future which has been predicted in …

Developed VS Developing Countries: Decoding the Western Hypocrisy on Climate Change Read More »

Ecology terminology

What is ecology? All Ecology Definitions Compiled at One Place (With Examples)

The compilation of every ecological terminology in an easy and precise manner. The short answers are ideal for compitative exam revision purposes. The term “Ecology” is a combination of two Greek words:
“Oikos”: Home or the place where you live in.
“Logos”: Study
The scientific study of the relationship of different living organisms with each other and with the non-living elements present in their surroundings is called Ecology.